My wife likes her challah warm. In fact, we warm both challos -- even though we are only going to eat one -- so they keep each other warmer. I had an idea, though. I wondered if I really needed to have the challah on the table during Shalom Aleichem and Eishes Chayil. Of course, I went to ask the dayan. Before mincha or just after ma'ariv is my favorite time for questions like this. I started davening at the Agudah for mincha/ma'ariv mostly to have this opportunity, in fact. Asking in person is *so* much better than a phone call. I lead with, "My wife likes the challah to be served warm." The dayan replied, "So does my wife." (You don't get that on a phone call. Just saying.) So I continued, "I was wondering if I could delay bringing the challah to the table until after Shalom Aleichem and Eishes Chayil so it will be a little warmer." The dayan replied, "In fact, לכתחילה the challah doesn't even be on the table for kiddush." I tha...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)