I see many rabanim and מלמדי תינוקות/Torah teachers. There is a special section of עולם הבא to which you need a special ticket to get entrance. That ticket come from being קובע עיתים לתורה/dedicating your time to learning Torah. You should know that any time for which you are getting paid does not count. You get reward for learning Torah, but that section ofעולם הבא will be closed to you unless you dedicate your own -- unpaid -- time to Torah study.
Rav Schorr argued they were not getting paid that well, so it still counted (it was in Yiddish; got some chuckles); R' Fuerst responded that they took the job understanding the salary; so, no, it doesn't count.
I asked R' Fuerst at mincha the next day about yungeleit learning in kollel; he told me it was the same thing. R' Fuerst asked me if I had looked it up. I said, "No, I believe the rav!" He told me that a lot of people didn't believe him, so he showed me. Sha'arei T'shuva 155. (Look it up, it's right there in black on white in your Mishna Brura.) R' Fuerst also mentioned that the Kaf HaChaim, quoting the Birkei Yosef, notes that there may be room to distinguish between someone who teaches Torah and someone learning in kollel. Nonetheless, the Kaf HaChaim continues, since it is a ספיקא דאורייתא/uncertainty about a Torah obligation, one must be stringent and dedicate some of his unpaid/free time to learning.
Since I learn in kollel now, I was able to spend an hour (unpaid! woo-hoo) or so the next morning looking at the original sources. I have rarely enjoyed this world so much. And now I know that it comes with a ticket to the executive chambers!