As I was reading through the verses of the rebuke at the end of parshas Ki Savo, I was struck by the irony of that after we hear this very disturbing rebuke -- with all it's gory details -- on Shabbos morning, we will then be treated to the sixth of the seven haftaros of consolation/condolence. Shouldn't someone have realized this could happen and planned for it? Oh... wait because of the way Chazal set up the Torah readings and haftaros, this will always happen. That means that... this is supposed to happen?! Why? Hmm... upon further reflection, perhaps I do see the logic. Let me 'splain. Imagine a man in his late 30s; 38-ish, just for argument's sake. He's married, has three children (g 12, g 10, b 5), progressing nicely in his career as a software engineer at a major technical company; Motorola (before the internet happened...), for argument's sake. He has bronchitis, that just keeps hanging on. On third exam in as many weeks, the doctor decides to sta...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)