This is a very bad idea: You are very busy doing something incredibly important; such as reading the comics, texting your buddy a :) (that used to be ":-)" when we had electronic bulletin boards instead of smart phones; I suppose the phone is smart so you don't have to be), or checking email -- stuff like that. You notice out of the corner of your eye that your wife has come into the room. You reach into your pocket, pull out a small box, say "Hey, honey, here." (not actually looking at her because you are so busy now), toss the box to her, and add, "I found a nice pair of diamond earrings I thought you would like." I am 87% confident that any many who has been married for more than a week or so will realize that is a bad idea. (I am, however, 100% confident that every man who has been married more than a week so has actually perpetrated that crime or its moral equivalent.) As much as she is going to love those diamond earrings and appreciate th...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)