Thought for the Day: Coming of the Messiah and Resurrection of the Dead -- Intrinsic Fundamentals of Orthodox Judaism
I grew up as and into a secular scientist with a feeling there must be more. That is, it certainly felt to me that there had to be more to being human than just being a smart, hairless ape. After all, I felt no moral indignation toward apes beating each other up, or even being eaten by lions and tigers; that's just, after all, the ecosystem. On the other hand, I do feel a deep moral indignation toward mugging in Central Park and murder. And no, it's not just the practicality living together. On the other hand, two things that seemed to me to be completely outside the scope of reality and iron clad proof that Christianity was anti-scientific and wrong was the idea of a messiah and also resurrection of the dead. Sigh... live and, as they say, learn. Becoming Orthodox Jewish meant, among other things, paying attention to what I was saying in the prayer. Right there in the central prayer, known sometimes as the Amidah (standing prayer, a name from...