If you did not count s'firas ha'omer for one complete day, that you can no longer count with a bracha. You should, of course, continue counting. This is one of those situations where it is very important to have clarity on what you are doing and all of its parts. On this there is no machlokes: When we have the Beis HaMikdash (may it be rebuilt soon and in our days), there is a mitzvah d'oraisa for each Jewish man to count s'firas ha'omer himself. There is also a mitzvah d'rabanan for counter to make a bracha before performing said mitzvah; just as there is for many mitzvos. You can't have someone motzi you in the counting (the Torah says each individual must count for himself), but you can be yotzi with someone else's bracha (though the minhag is for everyone to say the bracha himself). Whether the mitzvah of counting now a days is d'oraisa or d'rabanan, whether women are obligated (the Ramban holds this is not a mitzvas asei sh'z...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)