I was working with my 3.5 year old granddaughter to not stuff so much food into her mouth at one time. She is very strong willed (Heaven knows where she gets that from...), and it was important to me because there is a real choking danger. Hence, I decided to reason with her. I am fairly strong willed also, as it turns out. (My poor mother, may she rest in peace, really never did figure out where I got that from...) So we worked out that both air and food travels through her mouth; food goes to her tummy and air goes to her chest. (I was going to go for "stomach" and "lungs", but my daughter's eyes were already in danger of rolling clean out her head.) We established that food in the chest (lungs... I just couldn't control myself) would be bad thing. So then I told her that there is a little door in her neck at the back of her throat to block food from going into her chest and that door can't close if there is too much food in her mouth. Her...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)