I love paradoxes. I have always found that to be the best way to really deepen one's understanding of any subject. Maybe the word "subject" is too small when talking about understanding life, but its all we have. The last two halachos in the third perek (hilchos tzitzis) in Halichos Shlomo seem to be at odds with each other.
The S'porno in parshas mishpatim explains why the master gets 30 s'la'im if his eved is accidentally killed. The eved, notes the S'porno, is chayiv in the same mitzvos that a woman his, so his value is thae same as the price fixed for someone who accepts on himself to give "erech" of a woman to the beis hamikdash. That is, the value of a mensh is the mitzvos he can do. The value of an article is the mitvos it can enable a person to perform. When it comes to the tallis gadol for Shabbos, it is Shabbos that is being honored by a nice tallis. When it come to a koton, however, the tallis itself is being used for a "lower" mitzvah (d'rabanan rather than d'oraisa). On the other hand, since the mitzvah of tzitzis is equivalent (in some dimension) to doing all the mitzvos and a tallis koton is worn all day, the tallis koton is actually enabling more moments of fulfillment of the mitzvah of tzitzis than the tallis gadol (which is worn only for davening). It comes out, then, that it is not only permitted but actually meritorious to convert the tallis gadol to the tallis koton!
Torah eyes just see things differently. They see reality instead of facade.
- An adult (gadol) may only lend his tallis to a child (koton), not give it to him.
- A tallis gadol may be used to make a tallis koton.
The S'porno in parshas mishpatim explains why the master gets 30 s'la'im if his eved is accidentally killed. The eved, notes the S'porno, is chayiv in the same mitzvos that a woman his, so his value is thae same as the price fixed for someone who accepts on himself to give "erech" of a woman to the beis hamikdash. That is, the value of a mensh is the mitzvos he can do. The value of an article is the mitvos it can enable a person to perform. When it comes to the tallis gadol for Shabbos, it is Shabbos that is being honored by a nice tallis. When it come to a koton, however, the tallis itself is being used for a "lower" mitzvah (d'rabanan rather than d'oraisa). On the other hand, since the mitzvah of tzitzis is equivalent (in some dimension) to doing all the mitzvos and a tallis koton is worn all day, the tallis koton is actually enabling more moments of fulfillment of the mitzvah of tzitzis than the tallis gadol (which is worn only for davening). It comes out, then, that it is not only permitted but actually meritorious to convert the tallis gadol to the tallis koton!
Torah eyes just see things differently. They see reality instead of facade.