Thought for the Day: The Most Basic Proof of the Veracity of Torah Judaism -- It Works and Nothing Else Does
I saw a call from my daughter yesterday morning (strange time, but always welcome); I "picked up the phone" (yeah, yeah... no one has picked up a receiver to answer a call in years) and it was not my daughter, but her son. I heard my three year old grandson saying calmly, but tearfully, "Zeidy... Mommy is being mean to me." It did not evoke the emotion he hoped, but I tried to answer him in all seriousness. That's cute because he's three. If he doesn't get exactly what he wants exactly when he asks for it, then whoever is preventing his immediate gratification is mean and he'll look for someone who is bigger to rectify the situation. We don't expect that of an adult. We expect a maturing to take place, for the totally selfish and self-involved baby to turn into an adam ha'shaleim. That is minimally what you can expect any civilized society to want of its way of life. At work we call that the "smell test"... does this solut...