First I need to correct an error from yesterday, the tanna d'vei eliyahu says that a person who increases acts of loving kindness puts shalom in his body. Same vort, but I wanted the quote more accurate.
Second, I have neglected to mention that inspiration for many of these TODs is from the sefer "Achas Sha'alti" by Sha'altiel Meir Cohen, a young talmid chocham who was selling his sefer (two volume set on t'fila) at the kosel when I was there a few years ago.
Of the three "thank you for not make me a ___", only one has the possibility of being by choice, an eved (k'na'ani); a non-Jew who chooses to enslave himself to a Jew rather than convert. Why would a person choose that? An eved has mitzvos, but is exempt from all time-bound positive mitzvos. A Jewish woman is exempt from time bound positive mitzvos because of specific decree; as evidenced by her declaration thanking HaShem for making her according to His will. But an eved? He chose that; he wants the reward of doing mitzvos without the effort having to change himself to build a relationship with HaShem.
Second, I have neglected to mention that inspiration for many of these TODs is from the sefer "Achas Sha'alti" by Sha'altiel Meir Cohen, a young talmid chocham who was selling his sefer (two volume set on t'fila) at the kosel when I was there a few years ago.
Of the three "thank you for not make me a ___", only one has the possibility of being by choice, an eved (k'na'ani); a non-Jew who chooses to enslave himself to a Jew rather than convert. Why would a person choose that? An eved has mitzvos, but is exempt from all time-bound positive mitzvos. A Jewish woman is exempt from time bound positive mitzvos because of specific decree; as evidenced by her declaration thanking HaShem for making her according to His will. But an eved? He chose that; he wants the reward of doing mitzvos without the effort having to change himself to build a relationship with HaShem.