I have a chavursa in Petach Tikva. We learn Motzei Shabbos (for me)/Sunday morning (for him) using Skype. We were not able to learn last week because his internet was down. In his email he bemoaned the fact that this was a technology created problem and 10 years ago would not have been an issue. That's true, of course. On the other hand, 10 years ago I couldn't have lived in Chicago and had a chavrusa in Petach Tikva. The new technologies do have new pitfalls, but they also present to us new opportunities.
Chazal tell us that every generation that does not build the Bais HaMikdash, it is as if they destroyed the Bais HaMikdash. Building even a simple structure, such as a single family dwelling, requires lots of different skills. You need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters, etc. Each one has his responsibility to achieve the final outcome. On the other hand, when the group who lays the foundation is finished, they are not going to see a house. Everyone has to his part at the right time; it is only once everything has been completed that the whole structure appears.
We have our part to do in building the Bais HaMikdash. Our part could not have been done earlier, but the job isn't finished until we complete our tasks. Our job isn't to lay the foundation; Baruch HaShem that was done our Chazal and the generations that followed. Now we just have to do the finishing work and it will all come together. Bimheira v'Yameinu.
Chazal tell us that every generation that does not build the Bais HaMikdash, it is as if they destroyed the Bais HaMikdash. Building even a simple structure, such as a single family dwelling, requires lots of different skills. You need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters, etc. Each one has his responsibility to achieve the final outcome. On the other hand, when the group who lays the foundation is finished, they are not going to see a house. Everyone has to his part at the right time; it is only once everything has been completed that the whole structure appears.
We have our part to do in building the Bais HaMikdash. Our part could not have been done earlier, but the job isn't finished until we complete our tasks. Our job isn't to lay the foundation; Baruch HaShem that was done our Chazal and the generations that followed. Now we just have to do the finishing work and it will all come together. Bimheira v'Yameinu.