We started learning hilchos Tisha b'Av again this morning at the vasikin minyan. I would really like to learn those halachos from now on "l'hagdil torah u'l'hadir". So I need to do tshuva. "Wait!", you'll say, "We all need to do t'shuva!" Au contraire, mon frer; the Rambam says in hilchos tshuva that each Jew should look at himself as exactly balanced between mitzvos and aveiros, and his whole city as exactly balanced, and his whole country as as exactly balanced, and the whole world as exactly balanced. One Jew doing tshuva could turn the tide and we could all be on the next set of eagles' wings out of here.
Wouldn't it be great to be that one Jew? Race ya!
Wouldn't it be great to be that one Jew? Race ya!