Thought for the Day: Evil Begins with Simple Solutions and Simple Solutions are the Beginning of Evil
I started this blogging activity when I was watching my mother die. It was the first time I was in a situation where I could absolutely do nothing but sit there and watch as events lead to the inevitable conclusion. I needed to do something , but there was nothing to do. So I started writing; thoughts, feelings, ideas... anything to keep myself occupied. It was not to distract myself from the situation, but to channel the energy. (Someday, בעזרת השם, I'll put those notes into a more accessible form.) I found that writing was good for me, so I decided to continue. My first thought was to have two blogs. One entitled "Life is a Journey" for my own musings, and this one for my divrei Torah. I found, though, that I just couldn't separate my thoughts from the Torah perspective that I have strived (and continue to strive) so hard to cultivate. Today's thought is more in the "Life is a Journey" mold. Not an apology; just noting. To jump right in, as much ...