I once mentioned to my family that I found it interesting that many of my closest friends are people to whom I rarely speak. I was referring, of course, to those with whom I daven at the Chicago Vasikin Minyan. My children -- in all their wide-eyed innocence and purity of spirit -- replied, "Abba, it is probably because you don't speak to them that they are your friends."
Ok.... now I have your attention. I had heard in the name of R' Fuerst that it is incumbent on every shul to have someone carrying a weapon on Shabbos. I read in the pamphlet put out by the Beis Hora'ah that the p'sak of R' Fuerst is that it is forbidden to carry a weapon outside on Shabbos. (In a place where there is no eiruv, such as Peterson Park in Chicago.) I decided to ask the rabbi in person to get the straight story. The following is my transcription of the dialog; quoted without comment. Please also note that in this case, the indicated emphasis was the way R' Fuerst said it to me.
Ok.... now I have your attention. I had heard in the name of R' Fuerst that it is incumbent on every shul to have someone carrying a weapon on Shabbos. I read in the pamphlet put out by the Beis Hora'ah that the p'sak of R' Fuerst is that it is forbidden to carry a weapon outside on Shabbos. (In a place where there is no eiruv, such as Peterson Park in Chicago.) I decided to ask the rabbi in person to get the straight story. The following is my transcription of the dialog; quoted without comment. Please also note that in this case, the indicated emphasis was the way R' Fuerst said it to me.
Note: this conversation took place yesterday, Sunday March 1 immediately after the rav's Sunday morning shiur. I have found that going to the shiur and hanging back a few minutes after the shiur is a proven and tested s'gula to get a few minutes to speak with R' Fuerst directly.
Me: I heard that in the name of the rav that every shul should have someone carrying a gun. However, I read in the pamphlet put out by the Beis Hora'ah that the p'sak of R' Fuerst is that it is forbidden to carry a weapon outside on Shabbos. Are those both true?
R' Fuerst, shlita: Yes. But, as I said over in shul this past Shabbos in the name of R' Chaim Kanievsky, that if there is no talking during davening then no gun is necessary.