Now that my children are grown and have their own families with their own abodes, this is how it works. When I go to my childrens' homes, I knock and then wait to be invited before walking in. Once inside, I pretty much stay to the living room, dining room, and first floor bathroom. I do not go upstairs. Nor do I take even a glass of water without first asking. When my children come to my house, they knock and then walk in. They pretty much have free roaming around the house -- with the exception of some obviously private areas -- and are comfortable getting themselves something to eat or drink without asking specific permission. My grandchildren don't knock, they just come in. They are unaware that there are private areas. They only ask if they can have this or that if they can't reach it.
Obviously, since the children grew up in our house, they learned from a very early age what they could take/touch and what they couldn't. They never questioned our authority to be able to set "rules of engagement" in our home; we were/are the parents, after all. Yes, they are completely normal and certainly question every other aspect of our authority! The certainly whined and complained (from time to time 🙄) about the rules themselves, but they never actually question our right to make those rules. The reason is obvious -- it's our house and we invited them in.
Things are even more formal at work, of course. I would never dream to walk into someone's office uninvited. I wouldn't rummage through their drawers nor even the papers on their desk without specific instructions to do so. I would certainly not sit down to their computer and start looking through their emails. Even my own computer is really not my computer, but given to me by the company to use when doing their work. (And, equally obviously, for permissible personal activities that to not interfere nor compete with my work responsibilities; all as clearly stipulated in the employee manual.)
Here's the punchline: HaShem created this world. He is not simply a very powerful being who can manipulate this world any way He wants. That's a silly and immature concept. (The late Stephen Hawking promulgated that as his concept of what god is, and therefore decided to be an atheist. That is the classic "garbage in, garbage out"; he started from a ridiculous premise and ended up with a conclusion that matched.)
Rather, HaShem is the Creator and Author of the entire creation. This is His world and His alone. I am a guest here. A beloved guest, to be sure; but a guest all the same. I may (and, to my shame, certainly do) whine and complain about some of the rules. I also (to even more of my shame) violate those rules. I never ever, though -- not even once, question His right to make those rules. I, on the other hand, have no rights; only obligations. That thought is so endemic to all of Torah philosophy that there is not even a word for "rights" in the Holy Tongue.
Once that is understood, the Torah is not seen as restrictive at all! Kosher dietary laws don't restrict my eating; they delineate a myriad of foods that I am permitted to eat and how to prepare them. The laws relating to whom I may marry are not restrictive; they are beautifully freeing me to fulfill the Will of the Creator to continue the species. Shabbos is not a restriction of my activities; it is freeing me from the mundane requirements of keeping the world running and allowing me rest and relaxation.
No wonder that we declare three times on the entry of every Shabbos that HaShem is the Creator and Author of reality. Once as preparation for our evening prayer on Friday night. A second time as a community declaration. A third time in my home as I inaugurate and sanctify the Shabbos with my family. It's a beautiful world and life; I am so very fortunate to be here.
Obviously, since the children grew up in our house, they learned from a very early age what they could take/touch and what they couldn't. They never questioned our authority to be able to set "rules of engagement" in our home; we were/are the parents, after all. Yes, they are completely normal and certainly question every other aspect of our authority! The certainly whined and complained (from time to time 🙄) about the rules themselves, but they never actually question our right to make those rules. The reason is obvious -- it's our house and we invited them in.
Things are even more formal at work, of course. I would never dream to walk into someone's office uninvited. I wouldn't rummage through their drawers nor even the papers on their desk without specific instructions to do so. I would certainly not sit down to their computer and start looking through their emails. Even my own computer is really not my computer, but given to me by the company to use when doing their work. (And, equally obviously, for permissible personal activities that to not interfere nor compete with my work responsibilities; all as clearly stipulated in the employee manual.)
Here's the punchline: HaShem created this world. He is not simply a very powerful being who can manipulate this world any way He wants. That's a silly and immature concept. (The late Stephen Hawking promulgated that as his concept of what god is, and therefore decided to be an atheist. That is the classic "garbage in, garbage out"; he started from a ridiculous premise and ended up with a conclusion that matched.)
Rather, HaShem is the Creator and Author of the entire creation. This is His world and His alone. I am a guest here. A beloved guest, to be sure; but a guest all the same. I may (and, to my shame, certainly do) whine and complain about some of the rules. I also (to even more of my shame) violate those rules. I never ever, though -- not even once, question His right to make those rules. I, on the other hand, have no rights; only obligations. That thought is so endemic to all of Torah philosophy that there is not even a word for "rights" in the Holy Tongue.
Once that is understood, the Torah is not seen as restrictive at all! Kosher dietary laws don't restrict my eating; they delineate a myriad of foods that I am permitted to eat and how to prepare them. The laws relating to whom I may marry are not restrictive; they are beautifully freeing me to fulfill the Will of the Creator to continue the species. Shabbos is not a restriction of my activities; it is freeing me from the mundane requirements of keeping the world running and allowing me rest and relaxation.
No wonder that we declare three times on the entry of every Shabbos that HaShem is the Creator and Author of reality. Once as preparation for our evening prayer on Friday night. A second time as a community declaration. A third time in my home as I inaugurate and sanctify the Shabbos with my family. It's a beautiful world and life; I am so very fortunate to be here.