Thought for the Day: Being G-d Fearing Means Doing the Right Thing, Regardless of Whether It Is a Leniency or a Stringency
I was looking at a book about the human body with my five year old granddaughter and her four year old brother after the recent ברית מילה of their newest brother. Of course, they had both asked about why he had one and she didn't. I, being the grandfather, answered straight and let their parents deal with any embarrassing follow on questions. In any case, we turned to the nervous system and my grandson, with the confidence and certainty that only a four year old boy can muster, declared, "Boys do not have brains." His sister, in that tone of voice that will some day be used to once again explain to her husband that no, he can't wear that tie with that suit, said, "Of course boys have brains; if they didn't have brains they couldn't think and they would just kick and hit all the time." I am not really sure who won that argument... I recently heard a shiur from R' Yisroel Reisman given on the occasion of a siyum for a daf yomi completin...