I was once discussing mishloach manos with a talmid chacham who was kind enough to learn with me. The question was whether one could be yotzi the mitzvah even if the recipient refused to accept the gift. I said that of course one was yotzi; I had just learned that section in the Mishna Brura and was very confident. My chavrusa said, "Let's look it up." Still feeling cocky, I went to get volume 6 of the Mishna Brura (see! I even knew which cheilek... confidence really soaring now). And there it was (after some searching), siman 695:2, the Rema says straight out that even if your friend refuses the gift, one has still fulfilled his obigation. I felt invincible. "Well, " said my chavrusa, "I guess that's ok if you want to hide behind a Rema." That threw me; hide behind a Rema? "Look at the Mishna Brura." Feeling a bit uncertain at this point, I looked down and found (s.k. 24), "The Pri Chadash disagrees and the Chasam Sofer i...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)