When you go to a motel, you get freshly laundered linens and towels. If you are a VIP you probably also get a bowl of fresh fruit. If you are a visiting head of country, they go out each morning and get you fresh fruit. Anything you order from room service is cooked fresh; even the bread is baked fresh each day for you. After all, you are an important person. They are not, however, very likely to weave new linens for you nor build you new furniture. And it is ridiculous to even contemplate planting new trees, cotton, and linen, mining new ore, shearing new sheep, excavating new stones... all so you can have a brand new room with brand new furnishings and brand new fixtures. No one is that important!
Except you. You actually are that important. Every single day (actually every single moment) is freshly created for you by HaShem; "m'chadeish b'chol yom tamid ma'asei b'reishis". Why? Because when someone is important and beloved you want them to have everything fresh and new. HaShem so loves His first born (every single Jew, see Sh'mos 4:22) that He gives each Jew a brand new world (at least) every day. That gives a whole new meaning to "bishvili nivra ha'olam"!
Think about that tomorrow morning (and every morning) after Barechu. It should make your declaration of "sh'ma yisrael, HaShem Elokeinu, HaShem Echad" a bit more enthusiastic.
Except you. You actually are that important. Every single day (actually every single moment) is freshly created for you by HaShem; "m'chadeish b'chol yom tamid ma'asei b'reishis". Why? Because when someone is important and beloved you want them to have everything fresh and new. HaShem so loves His first born (every single Jew, see Sh'mos 4:22) that He gives each Jew a brand new world (at least) every day. That gives a whole new meaning to "bishvili nivra ha'olam"!
Think about that tomorrow morning (and every morning) after Barechu. It should make your declaration of "sh'ma yisrael, HaShem Elokeinu, HaShem Echad" a bit more enthusiastic.