Why are the flood waters of the mabul called Mei Noach? In other words, why is Noach blamed for the flood? The generally given answer is because Noach didn't daven for his generation. That is a difficult answer to hear. The Torah HaK'dosha itself refers to Noach as an "ish tzadik tamim" -- a perfect tzadik. (The machlokes about how to understand the intent of the pasuk is only about why we are told that, not whether or not Noach actually was an ish tzadik tamim.) Moreover, Rashi on v'yizkor Elokim es Noach (b'reishis 8:1) says that this shows that the t'fila of a tzadik changes middas ha'din to midas ha'rachamim. So... Noach davened or didn't daven? Several years ago I asked R' Dovid Siegel, shlita, why HaShem didn't just wipe out Adam ha'rishon afer the sin and create a new man? After all, I reasoned, eventually there will be one who doesn't sin (since it is up to free will) and HaShem could just keep that one. R...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)