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Thought for the Day: What is Tehilim? A Physicist's Perspective

The laws of physics (classical, anyway) are expressed mathematically as second order differential equations. Besides that cool fact, here is another: If you would know all the laws of physics and two more bits of information, then you could (in principle) deduce the entire trajectory/history/travels of an object. Those two bits of information are either:
  • The position and trajectory of the object at the beginning of it's travels (aka Cauchy or initial conditions).
  • The position at both the beginning and end of the trajectory of the object (aka Dirichlet or boundary conditions).
(Sigh... the physicist in me needs to qualify that any point(s) along the trajectory will do, because the laws of physics are time reversal and translation invariant. I would note sources for the interested reader, but I am quite confident that the only interested reader at this point is yours truly.)

None of that, of course, has anything to do with Sefer Tehilim. The idea, though, is quite relevant to Dovid HaMelech's intent in creating his magnum opus.  Namely, by looking at the beginning and end of of the sefer, we can gain a perspective on how Dovid HaMelech views the purpose of our journey through this world and how most efficiently fulfill our mission.

Dovid HaMelech starts with these words:   אַשְׁרֵי הָאִישׁ -- happy/fortunate/praiseworthy is the human being who... After that follows a list of behaviors to develop and other to uproot from one's being. Nonetheless, the sefer Tehilim starts with the message that it is absolutely amazing to be even "just" a human being and all the more so to be a Jew. And how does Dovid HaMelech sign off?  כֹּל הַנְּשָׁמָה תְּהַלֵּל יָהּ הַלְלוּיָהּ -- Every living thing/with every single breath will/does constantly praise HaShem; Praise ye, the Lord! (Sorry... I couldn't help myself, there is just no better way to translate הַלְלוּיָהּ.)

Our mission in this world, says Dovid HaMelech, is to appreciate and use our HaShem given existence to connect ourselves on every level and dimension to HaShem, our Creator.

How hard could that be?

Right; so this is where you look at the trajectory that Dovid HaMelech wants us to pursue. We'll get that  looking how how he launches us in the first three chapters of Tehilim.

First -- know your worth, beware of those who would belittle you and urge you to squander your great gifts. Acquire more tangible wealth (Torah and Mitzvos) and remember always that Torah and Mitzvos are not just the best wealth, they are the only wealth that will hold their value forever.

Next -- Klal Yisrael -- the Jewish Nation -- is a royal family whose existence is to bring knowledge of HaShem into the world and to act as a conduit for the nations of the world to also experience the Goodness of HaShem. That means acting as role models, never compromising, and even pushing back with gentle reproof when necessary (and when possible). It does not mean "working with them". We are the nation that was chosen by HaShem to represent Him and His interests in this world. They are not.We need to keep that in the forefront of our national and personal psyche. They'll learn; trust HaShem.

The third chapter gives us perhaps the most difficult challenge in Dovid HaMelech's mandate to us. The Mesilas Yesharim says -- כי כל ענייני העולם -- בין לטוב בין למוטב -- הנה הם נסיונות לאדם/every situation in which one one is involved — whether good or for improvement (and some say: for bad) — are tests/trials/opportunities for the person. Dovid HaMelech goes one step further: turn that into an opportunity to be sensitive to the plight of other Jews who are also suffering and help them through it. I receive almost daily inspirational messages from my granddaughter, among them was: You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved. Don't just move your mountains, help others to be able to move theirs.

Of course all of Torah -- written and oral -- is crucial to live and even function as a Jew. The Sefer Tehilim speaks to our heart and soul to inspire and encourage. These first three chapters -- know who you are and your worth, know your national mission, and work together with all Jews to get that done -- set us on a course and gets us moving toward that ultimate goal:
כֹּל הַנְּשָׁמָה תְּהַלֵּל יָהּ הַלְלוּיָהּ -- Every living thing/with every single breath will/does constantly praise HaShem; Praise ye, the Lord!


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