Thought for the Day: Is It Better to Use Candles or Crayons to Decorate Your Birthday Cake on Shabbos?
Our wax candles are certainly a כלי שמלאכתו לאיסור , and therefore may be used to decorate a birthday cake on Shabbos . Let's take a step back, though. Would it be better to use something else? Candy letters, for example, to spell out "Happy Birthday, Yenta Malkie." But maybe you like the "candle look"; so how about crayons? Candies seem safest. Edible food is not even considered מוּקצֶה at all; you can move it around just for the heck of it. That is even more lenient than כלי שמלאכתו להיתר/a utensil whose main function is for a any activity that is permitted on Shabbos, which can only be moved if there is some need. That need can be as light as saving the tool/utensil from being ruined or stolen, but some need is required. Food and Holy Scripture (including halacha and gemara, whether in Hebrew or English), though, can be moved for no reason at all; just for the sheer pleasure of moving it. On the other hand, using candy letters carry an inherent danger of ...