Thought for the Day: Why Aveilus on Tisha b'Av? Fixing Our Relationship with HaShem by Fixing Our Relationship with Fellow Jews
I did not ride my bike to work today. It is erev Tisha b'Av, 5777; though it is certainly permissible during the nine days to shower enough to not offend my coworkers, I felt that on erev Tisha b'Av itself there was no reason to bring myself to a situation of relying on a leniency that was easy to avoid. I did, though, ride many of the nine days and certainly several days during the three weeks. Since the whole period is one of increased danger, I listened to fewer shiurim than usual in order to pay more attention to the traffic. Having that extra time (even with heightened vigilance, my mind had a chance to wander here and there), I was struck by two questions on the way we conduct ourselves during the three weeks, nine days, and week during which Tisha b'Av falls. The Orach Chaim section of Shulchan Aruch is the section on laws of daily living. The organization is basically chronological by most frequent. You will therefore first find laws of waki...