In case my current suave and debonair persona makes it hard for you to imagine me as a science nerd, this story should remedy that misconception. Long before I was married -- in fact, long before I had any thought that marriage and dating had anything to do with each other (I was in college...) -- I asked a girl on a date. I arrived at the appointed time and she informed me that she had forgotten about that she had homework due the next day. (That's possible, right? I mean, just because we are all in college and taking a full-time load, that doesn't mean we'll always have homework, right? I mean, it's not like she said she had to wash her hair, right?) Anyway, apparently felt a little badly (big step up from anyone else -- both of them -- that I had asked before), so she asked if I'd like to have some popcorn and visit at little bit. I didn't have to be asked twice! She asked me, "Why are you a physics major? That sounds so boring!" ...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)