Thought for the Day: If It is a Good Question, Keep Looking -- Sometimes There *Is* Reward in This World
Ok.... I ran into a couple of Gemaras (both in Brachos) that discussed the terrible consequences of acting less than menschlich, followed by: but if you do act like a mensch... מה שכרו/what is the reward? To me it sounded like: If you speed in a school zone during school hours, you will get a hefty fine; but if you don't speed -- wow! wanna know how much we pay you?! A friend of mine shared a great link with me: . With that, I was able to search all of Talmud Bavli for "מה שכרו". The question is asked seven times; five times in Masechta Brachos (those are the ones I had found and were bothering me -- 5a, 5b, 6b, 18a, 24b), once in Sanhedrin (92a), and once in Nedarim (40a). And -- TADA -- the one in Nedarim asks exactly my question -- מה שכרו?!? Of course, I worked hard to find that, so you, my dear reader, are going to have to get a taste of my journey. So here are the headlines: Brachos 5a: This one is not like the others. This says that HaShem send chall...