Thought for the Day: During the Three Weeks Work to Put HaShem at the Center of Your Universe (Instead of Yourself)
At work, we need to take harassment training -- no, smart guy, not training in how to harass (a class that I could probably give, actually), but what the term harassment means in the work place. It's cute; lots of little vignettes and "what-if" scenarios. Mostly pretty obvious (and I am not at all sure what benefit any of this would be to someone to whom these situations are not obvious!), but they said something at the end I thought was worth the price of admission. At the end of the training they mention that each state has it's own rules and they actually list some of the rules unique to Illinois. Then the voice said, "But instead of memorizing a lot of detailed rules, just keep this in mind: treat everyone with respect and dignity". I listened to a shiur on from R' Shraga Kallus, entitled simply: The 3 Weeks: The Minhagim Of Not Being Self Absorbed ( audio ) ( video ) I think that concept is quite brilliant. (The shiur is also very...