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Showing posts from June, 2022

Thought for the Day: Levels of "Just Squeaking By"/בדיעבד That are Actually לכתחילה

Anyone who has known me for more than a few days has certainly heard about the בדיעבד Jew. His whole life, any time someone questioned what he was doing, his answer was, "בדיעבד, it's fine". When our friend left this world, we was greeted and escorted to his eternal residence in The World to Come. It was about the size of a coat closet with 40W bulb overhead, leaky and damp. He asked, "This is Olam HaBah?!?". They smiled and told him, "בדיעבד, it is" So why in the world is there בדיעבד? We are already doing so much as frum Jews. Just give a single, uniform standard, and we'll perform to task (or not). The truth is, this question was already addressed by the Chovos HaLevavos. Here is the executive summary: There are three categories mitzvos: עשה/positive/you must do; לאו/negative/you are forbidden to do; רשות/permitted/optional. Examples would be making kiddush Friday night is a positive mitzvah, eating pork is a negative mitzvah, wear...