Thought for the Day: The Torah Speaks to Us Now and Every Day with Real Events, Real People; Not Bible Stories
Let's start with something that sounds incredibly boring: We -- outside of Eretz Yisrael -- are one parasha behind the Torah reading in Eretz Yisrael. That happened because the last day of Pesach in Eretz Yisrael was on a Friday, so they returned to their normally scheduled programing of weekly Torah readings that Shabbos. For us, though, the last day of Pesach was Shabbos, so we couldn't return to our normally scheduled programing of weekly Torah readings until the following Shabbos. How long will we be out of sync? About 15 weeks, when we will double up on Matos-Ma'asei and the first Shabbos of the three weeks. So what, you ask? So, this , I say... Why are we waiting so long? The very Shabbos where this happened is, in fact, a doubleable parsha. We could have doubled up with Acharei-Mos/K'doshim and been in sync right away. That's question number one. Question number two: there are actually two more possibilities before that 2 Av date; why are we waiting so long? ...