Chazal (Brachos 9b) relate that R' Yose ben Elyakim testifies in the name of the Holy Congregation of Yerushalyim that any one who immediately begins shomne esrei as he concludes the bracha of "ga'al yisrael"/who redeemed Yisrael [from Mitzrayim] (aka, "someich g'ula l't'fila") will not suffer any damages the entire day. That's a pretty bold statement! So bold, in fact, the R' Zeira challenged it. "Really!?", exclaimed a perplexed R' Zeira, "I did that once and I hit with financial damage!" R' Yose apparently knew what happened and replied, "Hang on... are you talking about the fact that you were forced to deliver a load of myrtle to the king's palace at great personal expense? Pshaw! That's not damage... it's worth spending a lot of money to be able to see a king!" The marshals support from a statement by R' Yochanon: I person should always endeavor to run to see kings of Isr...
This is a paraphrase of the pasuk in t'hillim 84:7 -- "mei'chayil el chayil" -- which means "from strength to strength". In this case, it is my thoughts and ideas to those who are strong enough to be interested :)